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Lodes, E. and Scherler, D., 2024, Cosmogenic signal of the stream boulder cover effect, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-545,, 2024.


Lodes, E., Scherler, D., Stammeier, J. A., Schleicher, A., and Loyola Lafuente, M. A., 2023, Exploring lithological controls on drainage density in Santa Gracia, Central Chile, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11578,, 2023.


Lodes, E. and Scherler, D., 2022, Does Lithology Control Drainage Density? An Investigation of Two Neighboring Plutons in Semi-arid Santa Gracia, Chile, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA, 12-16 December 2022, EP22E-1387.


Lodes, E. and Scherler, D., 2022, A tale of two plutons: Compositional control on weathering, erosion, and landscape morphology, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-1383,


Lodes, E., Scherler, D., Wittmann, H., and Van Dongen, R., 2021, Patchy bedrock explained: Tectonic fracture control on landscape evolution patterns in south-Central Chile, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9231,


Lodes, E., Scherler, D. and Wittmann, H., 2020, December. Stones, soils and streams: differential erosion rates and landscape evolution in Nahuelbuta National Park, south-central Chile. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2020, pp. EP035-04).


Saylor, J., Smith, T., Leary, R., Lapen, T., Umhoefer, P., Smith, M., Burr, G., Lodes, E. and Foley, D., 2019. Reconstructing Late Paleozoic Laurentian sediment dispersal via mixture modelling of detrital zircon U-Pb ages, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 51, no. 5,


Lodes, E., Riggs, N., Stone, P., Smith, M., Leary, R., Davis, H., 2018, Evidence for Early Permian contraction and basin formation, and Late Permian Cordilleran arc initiation in the Inyo Mountains, eastern California, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 50, no. 5,


Leary, R., Umhoefer, P.J., Smith, M.E., Riggs, N., Lodes, E., Burr, G. and Foley, D., 2018, December. Tracking regional sediment dispersal in the late Paleozoic Ancestral Rocky Mountain system using detrital zircon. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2018, pp. T41D-0330).


Leary, R., Umhoefer, P., Smith, M., Riggs, N., Lodes, E., Burr, G. and Foley, D., 2018, The interplay between local and far-traveled sediment in North American Ancestral Rocky Mountain basins, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 50, no. 5,


Leary, R.J., Umhoefer, P., Elliot Smith, M., Riggs, N., Lodes, E., Burr, G. and Foley, D., 2018, April. The interplay between local and far-traveled sediment in North American Ancestral Rocky Mountain basins. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 10976).


Lodes, E., Riggs, N., Stone, P. and Reynolds, S., 2017, Sedimentation and geochronology of Permian strata, Inyo Mountains, CA., and relation to onset of subduction: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 49, no. 6,


Rice, J., Ojeda, J., Lodes, E., Andrews, C., Medynski, S. and Busby, C., 2015, Using Major and trace elements to track the transition from subduction to rifting in the Santa Rosalia Basin, Gulf of California Rift, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 47, No. 7, p.531.


Andrews, C., Lodes, E., Ojeda, J., Rice, J., Medynski, S. and Busby, C., 2015, Geologic and petrographic analysis of arc-rift transition volcanic rocks of the Santa Rosalia Basin, Gulf of California Rift, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 47, No. 7, p.811.

Journal Publications

Lodes, E., Scherler, D., Wittmann, H., Schleicher, A. M., Stammeier, J. A., Loyola Lafuente, M. A., and Grigusova, P., 2024, Influence of lithology and biota on stream erosivity and drainage density in a semi-arid landscape, Central Chile, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129, e2024JF007684,


Lodes, E., Scherler, D., van Dongen, R., and Wittmann, H., 2023, The story of a summit nucleus: hillslope boulders and their effect on erosional patterns and landscape morphology in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera, Earth Surf. Dynam., 11, 305–324,, 2023.


Lodes, E., Scherler, D., van Dongen, R., and Wittmann, H., 2022, The story of a summit nucleus: Hillslope boulders and their effect on erosional patterns and landscape morphology in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera: EGUsphere [preprint],


Lodes, E.B., 2022, Glaciers are for girls: the inaugural expedition of Girls on Ice Austria succeeded in empowering nine young women in August 2021: Polarforschung, 90(1), pp.1-6,


Lodes, E., Riggs, N. R., Smith, M. E. and Stone, P., 2020, Cordilleran subduction initiation: retro-arc timing and basinal response in the Inyo Mountains, eastern California: Lithosphere,


Busby, C., Graettinger, A., López Martínez, M., Medynski, S., Niemi, T., Andrews, C., Bowman, E., Gutierrez, E.P., Henry, M., Lodes, E., Ojeda, J., Rice, J. J., Andrews, G. and Brown, S., 2020, Volcanic record of the arc-to-rift transition onshore of the Guaymas basin in the Santa Rosalía area, Gulf of California, Baja California: Geosphere,


Leary, R.J., Umhoefer, P., Smith, M.E., Smith, T.M., Saylor, J.E., Riggs, N., Burr, G. Lodes, E., Foley, D., Licht, A., Mueller, M.A., Baird, C., 2020, Provenance of Pennsylvanian-Permian sedimentary rocks associated with the Ancestral Rocky Mountains orogeny in southwestern Laurentia: implications for continental-scale Laurentian sediment transport systems: Lithosphere, v. 12, no. 1, p. 88-121,




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